Love this idea (and how you're teaching it), and it's so true. The adventures I've had because of friends...even when it's just the grocery store it's STILL FUN!

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Hehe. One time a friend and I went to Costco with our new infants. We shopped, returned to the car, loaded up our babies and strollers...and then realized we had no room for all our groceries. We made it work though! Good times :)

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First, I am getting this book right away. Sounds amazing! And second, I love this idea of our friends fueling our creativity. I can definitely say that my writer friends (all distant and online, but truly friends in the best way) have kept me going when I am certain I would have stopped. It is a lonely process and especially when it is something you are aspiring to and that is not your current profession, etc....you need your people!

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Congrats on the fellowship! May my (other) people be good to you when you visit Poland and may you eat all the pierogi.

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I'm pretty excited! Yay for pierogi :)

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